University Sports Bochum
Laufen Sportplatz Startblock
Laufen Sportplatz Startblock


The Europe Day on 9th of May wants to promote and celebrate peace and unity in Europe and to invite to get active for European values. In order to get as many students, employees and alumni of the universities from the UNIC network moving as possible on the occasion of this day, the Ruhr University Bochum has launched the UNIC Run.

Run for your university

With the UNIC Run, students, staff and alumni alike are called upon to lace up their running shoes. Within a given time window (08th-10th May), the aim is to cover as many kilometres as possible on foot within 60 minutes - both for themselves and for their own university.

11.222 km

Ideally, all participants together collect a total of 11.222 km, which is the sum of airline-distances between UNIC-Universities. In addition to attractive prizes for those who individually cover the greatest distance in 60 minutes, the best university will also be crowned.

It does not matter whether the full hour is exhausted. The important thing is to move at all and thus collect kilometres for your own university location and at the same time contribute to the total number of kilometres. Afterwards, simply track your result with a smartwatch or running app, take a photo or a screenshot and submit it online.

Registration for the UNIC Run

About UNIC

UNIC – European University of Post-Industrial Cities is an alliance of eight universities from Bilbao, Cork, Istanbul, Liège, Oulu, Rotterdam, Zagreb and Bochum.

By creating a European university, the aim is to increase exchange and cooperation in teaching, research and transfer. Its purpose is to enable students, researchers, teachers and administrative staff to benefit from the opportunities offered by a European campus. Inclusive and diverse societies and community engagement are central aims of UNIC.


Is there a code of conduct?

Yes! The official Coivd 19 pandemic regulations in force at the time the races are held must be complied with unconditionally by all participants. All participants undertake to achieve their run times fairly and without the use of advantage-providing aids or other manipulations. University Sports Bochum reserves the right to annul results with incomprehensible data or inconsistencies.

Who is allowed to participate?

All students, staff and alumni of the member universities of the UNIC network may participate.

UNIC Universities:

  • Koç University Istanbul
  • University College Cork
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • University of Deusto
  • University of Liege
  • Ruhr University Bochum
  • University of Oulu
  • University of Zagreb
From when to when does the event run?

The UNIC Run will take place from 08th to 10th May 2022.

Where will the run take place?

As a digital event, participants decide for themselves when (within the given time window) and where exactly they want to run.

How are the results recorded?

In the given time window from 08th to 10th May 2022, all participants must upload their individual results including proof in the form of a screenshot or photo.

After the end of the time window, NO more results can be uploaded!

The total kilometres covered within 60 minutes are decisive for the ranking. If you start your SmartWatch or running app, the time runs. Breaks are not allowed!

The screenshot must show that the run was completed on 08th, 09th or 10th May, otherwise the run cannot be included in the results.

A short registration is required to submit your run. You can then upload your results via the link sent to you. Registration will be possible from 04 May 2022.

Do I have to run the entire 60 minutes?

No. Everyone does as much as he or she can. The point is to move. Whether running, walking, with poles or without.

Your time stops after 60 minutes, regardless of whether you use the full hour or only part of it. But it is not allowed to stop the time in between.

What classifications will there be?

The search is on for the best female, male and diverse participants to cover as much distance as possible on foot in 60 minutes.

In addition, all participants also run for their current or former university to determine the most active university location within the UNIC network.

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