University Sports Bochum
Unterkunft Holland Tauchwochenende

Termine für die Tauchwochenenden sind online

Buche Dir jetzt einen kostenlosen Platz für einen obligatorischen Anmeldeabend

The dates for the popular diving weekends in Holland are now available and promise an exciting season full of underwater adventures. From April to October, there are a total of 11 weekends to choose from to explore the fascinating underwater world.

The diving weekends offer the perfect opportunity for beginners to take their first steps below the surface and pass their diving exams, as well as for experienced divers to improve their skills. With a variety of dive sites and exciting underwater scenarios, there is something for everyone.

To take part in the diving weekends and for more information, visit our website. Here you will find all the details on dates, prices and registration options.

To the registration

Don't miss the chance to be part of this exciting diving community and experience unforgettable moments in Holland!

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