
Opening hours, Contact & Directions

The Unifit in the "Bochumer Fenster" is easy to reach: You can find it diagonally opposite of Bochum main station on Bongard-Boulevard.

Bochumer Fenster_Unifit
Bochumer Fenster_Unifit
Bochumer Fenster_Unifit
Bochumer Fenster_Unifit
Opening hours
  • Monday - Friday: 8 am - 10 pm
  • Saturday - Sunday: 10 am - 6 pm

Approach - by public transport / by bicycle / by car

  • The best way to get to Unifit is by public transport.

Stop overview - Haltestellenmonitor VRR

  • If you are coming by car, there are parking spaces with a fee in the Massenbergstraße underground car park, which is directly connected to the Bochumer Fenster.

Underground car park Massenbergstraße

  • In the close neighborhood of the Unifit there are several bicycle stations of Metropolradruhr.

Metropolradruhr bicycle stations

Adress and contact

Unifit Bochum
Massenbergstr. 9-13
44787 Bochum

Phone: (+49) 234 32 20420
E-mail: unifit@uv.rub.de

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