Top-classs sport
How canoeist Caroline Arft and swimmer Poul Zellmann are preparing for the Olympic Games
Within the framework of the project "Partner university of top-class sport", University Sports Bochum supports about 50 top student athletes in combining their studies with competitive sports. Some of these athletes are currently preparing for the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo.
In other times, the article would be exclusively about the great anticipation of two people for the Olympic Games. In 2021, as we know, everything is a little different. On the one hand, the Olympics will take place a year late, and on the other hand, many people still can't quite imagine that the Games will take place in Tokyo at all, and if so, under what conditions. Arne Dessaul talked to canoeist Caroline Arft and swimmer Poul Zellmann about this special situation - and how they nevertheless motivate themselves and prepare for the Games. You can find the complete interview here: