University Sports Bochum
Kurs Fit Fight im UniFit

All information about the new programme, booking start and programme start

The winter semester holiday programme is just around the corner. Here you can find all the important information about the course programme and the Unifit offers.

Even during the winter semester vacations exercise and training should not be missing.

Whether in presence, online or even hybrid - we have again put together a great sports offer for you.

Classes like conditioning training are new and sports such as fitness boxing, salsa L.A. style, Rock’n Roll or progressive muscle relaxation are back, still on board are, among others, badminton, basketball, swimming and trampoline gymnastics.

Also in the fitness gym Unifit the trainer team waits for all those who want to let off steam on the iron. In our Coachings, the trainers take the time to respond to your individual training goals and wishes.

Here is all the important information about WiSeFe 22 :

  • Online course programme and Unifit offers: Mon, January 31 (approx. from noon)
  • Booking start of all Unifit offers: Mon, Jan 31 (approx. from noon)
  • Booking start of health courses for employees: Mon, Jan 31 (approx. from noon)
  • Booking start of course programme for internals (students/employees/alumni): Wed, February 02 from 9:30 a.m. (depending on the sports area)
  • Start of course programme and Unifit offers: Mo, 07. February
  • Booking start course programme for externals: Tue, 08 February from 10:00 a.m.

You can use the following links to Find out all about the sports offers from the day they go online:

Overview sports programme

Unifit offers

Our instructors and trainers look forward to welcoming you to one of the sports programs!

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