University Sports Bochum

Johannes Weißenfeld

Johannes Weißenfeld Spitzensport Rudern
Johannes Weißenfeld Spitzensport Rudern


  • Rowing

Date of birth

  • 19.08.1994

Course of studies

  • Medicine

Current club

  • Ruderclub Westfalen-Herdecke

Cadre status

  • Olympiakader (OK)

My way to the RUB

  • I grew up in Herdecke and went to school there. When I started rowing, it quickly became clear to me that I wanted to train at the Olympic Training Centre in Dortmund. In order to make progress on the professional level, in addition to elite sport, only the Ruhr University came into question for me and my desired course of study.

When I think about studying and top-class sport

  • Then it is an enormous challenge to reconcile these two time-consuming things. You very often reach your physical and mental limits. Nevertheless, I would always choose this path again because, looking back, it has given me much more than I could have ever dreamed of.
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