University Sports Bochum

Larina Hillemann

Larina Hillemann Spitzensport Rudern
Larina Hillemann Spitzensport Rudern


  • Rowing

Date of birth

  • 18.05.1996

Course of studies

  • Business Psychology

Current club

  • Lübecker Rudergesellschaft

Cadre status

  • Olympiakader (OK)

My way to the RUB

  • When I started my studies in 2015, our national base for the women's eight was stationed in Dortmund. So it was obvious for me to look around for a place to study in the area. The Ruhr University offers us athletes really good opportunities to combine sport with education.

When I think about studying and top-class sport

  • I think of the many additional challenges that have to be overcome in addition to the already heavy training workload. But even if there are always obstacles on the way to graduation, there is always someone at RUB who is willing to listen. That is enormously important, especially for me as a competitive athlete. Otherwise, studying alongside sport would be unthinkable for me.
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