University Sports Bochum

Malte Jakschik

Malte Jakschik Spitzensport Rudern
Malte Jakschik Spitzensport Rudern


  • Rowing

Date of birth

  • 03.08.1993

Course of studies

  • Mechanical Engineering

Current club

  • Ruderverein Rauxel

Cadre status

  • Olympiakader (OK)

My way to the RUB

  • Since our rowing centre is in Dortmund and I wanted to study, I first applied to the TU Dortmund University and the RUB. However, as many of my friends and acquaintances were happy studying at the RUB, I decided to go to this university and have never regretted it!

When I think about studying and top-class sport

  • Then I can think of many things that need to be reconciled. But thanks to the good cooperation between the university and the Olympic bases, you can always find a solution to combine the two.
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